There’s a Yoon-Suin 2nd edition on Kickstarter just now. Includes 12 adventures sites apparently. And it’s funded already!
There’s a Yoon-Suin 2nd edition on Kickstarter just now. Includes 12 adventures sites apparently. And it’s funded already!
Oh my… What a work of art Pax Pamir is! Well worth the wait. It’s also suprisingly heavy. Probably because it’s packed to the gunnels with gaming goodness. Here’s some closeups of the coins which were a Kickstarter extra. I’m so glad I got these. They’ll definitely help create an atmosphere of intrigue.
Thanks to The Men Who Would Be Kings I’ve developed an insatiable fascination for the North-West Frontier. Recently I’ve been compulsively reading Khyber by Charles Miller and have been thoroughly captivated by the farce, tragedy and international intrigue of the Great Game. Khyber’s sub-title in the front pages of the book is “The Story of an Imperial Migraine”… says it all really! I got my copy of Khyber for £2.78 and I would happily have paid ten times that for the riveting read. If you’re looking for an entertaining traverse through the NWF then do pick it up.
Anyhoo as luck would have it, I stumbled across Pax Pamir on Kickstarter. It’s a boardgame I’d never heard of before, but it looks like it captures the spirit of the shenanigans of the Great Game in Afghanistan. If this sounds like your bag, you can find out more about it here:
WWII British Artillery Kickstarter in 15mm + 1/72 with option to buy any other kit from The Plastic Soldier Company at 20% off with no delivery charge.
Kevin Crawfold of Sine Nomine Publishing has put out a free journal detailing his Kickstarter production guidelines. As he has many a successful RPG Kickstarter to his name, he clearly knows what he’s talking about.
3 reasons why I love Barbarians of Lemuria RPG
When I was scouring the land for an RPG that would click with me, I was lucky enough to stumble upon Samwise7RPG and Webhead123’s video reviews of Barbarians of Lemuria on YouTube. Up until that point I didnt know exactly what I was looking for in an RPG but it quickly became clear that BoL ticked all my boxes. Here’s three of the reasons why BoL is my #1 RPG.
Finding a game like this, that was not only rules light but supported the S&S genre, was a godsend. So I was over the moon when I heard that there’s currently a Barbarians of Lemuria Kickstarter project running for a brand spanking new edition chock full of Sword & Sorcery goodness. It has already smashed its initial funding goal and is well on its way to its 4th stretch goal of a full colour book. If you yearn for high adventure in a Sword & Sorcery world without the rules getting in the way, then I would recommend Barbarians of Lemuria wholeheartedly!
NB All backers receive a draft PDF of the rules upon supporting the project. So you will definitely get a return on your investment!
Here’s a summary of how the project is getting on:
As well as the RPG book itself, there’s a whole stack of BoL Add-ons that you can sign up for if they take your fancy:
Investing in add-ons will help the project reach its stretch goals, so I’ve done my bit and snaffled as much loot as I could. I know I’d love to see the Mythic Edition be the best it can be after all the gaming pleasure that BoL has brought me.
For more information on the Barbarians of Lemuria Kickstarter visit the project page here:
Cartographic representations of Edo period Japan created with a combination of traditional and digital techniques.
I just backed this on Kickstarter. It sounds like a handy thing to have around in case I’m caught with my GM pants down.