Congratulations to Asmodee and Team Dobble!
This year’s runners up were:
- In 2nd Place: Get Bit!
- In 3rd Place: King Of Tokyo
- In 4th Place: Game Of Thrones
- In 5th Place: Shinobi Wat-Aah!
After much fun-packed deliberation here are my top 3 gaming picks of the year. I’ve highlighted the features that make them good games for me…
A card game that lets you choose different roles on each turn that each have different ways that they can influence play. This helps keep the game fresh and leaves room for strategy without being too heavy.
The first thing that grabbed me about this game was the fantastic character artwork. But don’t be deceived… under the surface lies a game of power struggles and backstabbing. Each ninja clan has a peculiar power and you can have several under your control. So there’s many ways to victory but none of them honourable!
I think the thing that I love the most about Munchkin is the way that it fosters player interaction, both cooperative and competitive. You can be negotiating an alliance one minute, and the next turn be sticking it to your buddy. But inevitably you’ll need a hand as you fight tougher monsters. The question is… will your fellow players help or hinder you? There’s lots of social to-ing and fro-ing in Munchkin but as it’s all wrapped up in a light-hearted game there’s no hard feelings at the end of the day. Great stuff!
Any game with a kaiju theme is going to catch my eye, but King of Tokyo is the best that I’ve played. It’s simple enough to be a good introductory game but provides good replay value with the sheer variety of cards that you can activate during your rampage.
Well that’s my favourite games of the year. Will any of them win the Golden Axe Award 2014? Only time will tell.
I’ve played 30 different tabletop games this year at ENT, so it’s quite a task to decide on my top 3. In order to make things easier I’ve whittled down the list to my top 10. Without further ado… here they are!
It’s hard not to like Braggart. It’s a light-hearted card game of telling tall tales and calling out others for theirs. Simple to play and good for a quick laugh.
You and your fellow gangsters have a great big pile of loot. The question is who gets what? Being gangsters there’s only one way to sort it out and that’s with guns! In the heat of the moment who do you point yours at? Or do you try and save your skin for another deal on another day?
Citadels is an intriguing card game where you can assume the role of a different influential citizen of a medieval city on each turn. Your objective is to establish the most impressive city through building a certain number of districts. The thing is each type of citizen can affect each round of play in different ways. Will you focus on building quickly, ostentatiously or cunningly?
A quick yet surprisingly tricky image matching game. Not one I would’ve rushed to try but it’s actually pretty good fun. Definitely worth a go!
As push your luck dice games go this is the best that I’ve tried. You choose which dragon you want to hunt, the harder a dragon is to defeat the more points you get for succeeding. But be wary of your rival dragon slayers – they can challenge you to keep dragonslaying even though the odds might be against you.
Racing miniature Formula 1 cars around hairpin bends and chicanes is a good laugh with a gang of dangerous drivers. Do you take the corners at speed and risk damaging your dream machine? Just make sure you don’t explode before you reach the finishing line. The game features custom dice that simulate the different gear speeds. Nice touch!
Giant monster mayhem on the smallest board known to man! Choose your monster and then go on the rampage. Do you build up your power level to unleash a whole host of special powers, or just go on an all out attack? One one kaiju can be King of Tokyo!
I’ve been aware of Munchkin for a long time but it seemed a little silly so I was never keen to give it a go. More fool me! After watching the Munchkin Tabletop episode I knew I had to play it. Dungeon delving has never been so much fun. It’s not the monsters you need to watch out for though, it’s your buddies!
Yes it’s puerile, but there’s something rather strangely satisying about a couple of hands of Poo. It’s by no means the most strategic game in the world but if you’re looking for some cheap laughs, it’s worth a shot.
Lots of opportunities for shenanigans with this ninja themed card game. Do you build your clans, sabotage your opponents or both? The fantastic artwork really helps to set the scene. Includes an optional endgame with the bigboss if you’re up for a little bit more action.
Which games will make my top three of 2014? Watch this space!
It’s been a great year for gaming locally. In the 8 months that East Neuk Tabletop has been in existence we’ve had 13 get-togethers and we’ve collectively played 56 different tabletop games! I think that’s quite a remarkable achievement. Not only that, it’s been great fun!
We thought it would be a nice idea to see which game was the most popular this year amongst us all, and bestow upon it ENT’s newly acquired accolade… the GOLDEN AXE AWARD!
So which game shall I choose as my favourite? Of course I’ve not played all 52, which makes things easier, but I’ve had a pretty good crack at it. Here’s a list of everything I’ve played this year at ENT:
BANG! / Braggart / Camel Up / Cards Against Humanity / Ca$h ‘n Guns / Citadels / Cthulhu Fluxx / Dobble / Dragon Slayer / Flash Point: Fire Rescue / Forbidden Desert / Formula D / Get Bit! / Get Lucky / Hey, that’s my fish! / King of Tokyo / Kittens in a Blender / Love Letter / Munchkin Deluxe / Poo / Quarriors / RARRR! / Roborally / Seasons / Sentinels of the Multiverse / Shinobi Wat-Aah! / Snow Tails / The Resistance / Zombicide / Zombies!!!
Quite a formidable selection… However not every game has been right up my street. But I’ve appreciated playing them all as it’s helped me realise what ticks my boxes… boxes that I wasn’t aware that I had until earlier this year. More on that later.
Stay tuned for My Short List…