Category Archives: Deals

Newline Designs summer sale

Newline Designs have launched their summer sale with 25% off to celebrate 25 years in the business!

I’m already the proud owner of miniatures from their 20mm American Civil War, Colonial, Napoleonic and their 1/72nd Sikh War ranges. Personally I don’t see all that much of a difference between the 20mm and 1/72nd figures that I’ve seen, and I’m sure I’ll be mixing and matching some more of their masterful handiwork before too long 🙂

Tabletop Simulator

FYI there’s a 50% sale on Tabletop Simulator until 7th April. At £7.49 I thought it was worth a punt to see if I could get any online multiplayer wargaming on the go with my local group seeing as we’re all social distancing. I’ve already found lots of free WWII, Colonial and Napoleonic models and scenery to use in the Community Workshop. So it’s looking good so far.